The Cool Down: After the Sprint

As we all know, work has it ups and downs particularly in a world where the workplace provides many flexible work schedules. Some may opt to work early mornings allowing them to leave earlier. While others choose a later start time opting to work late. Yet the reminder choose the more traditional route, working within during there company’s core business hours. But with flexible comes responsibility. dogsprint

As I learned how best I function, I tend to favor an early start. What I have found, personally, is that my analytical, problem solving and creative abilities are highest during the early part of the day. This is most effect especially, for me, after I start a new client project. I start the work order adapting to the work environment, team structure and project management style. But once I feel an adequate about of knowledge exchange is complete, I switch gears. I move into an early start mode.

Using this technique, I have time to review my tasks objectively. This gives me an opportunity to work on my assigned tasks, formulate questions and come up with options (if needed). Now that I’m somewhat prepared, I can attend Backlog Groom, Sprint Planning  and/or Daily Stand-ups sessions with information that could change business decision that ultimately impact the implementation.

So why is the title of this blog ‘The Cool Down’?

Simple, It’s directly related to my productivity associated with my early start. At times, it appears I’m moving in hyper speed. This means all those neurons in my brain are rapidly firing. Think of my neurons firing alike Serena Williams and opponent serving a tennis ball back and forwards over the net, but this speed is really just super slow motion compared to the neuron. Really, all this means is I’m working at my highest capacity. But an early start doesn’t always relate to early departure.cooldown

All the pieces are beginning to fall in place. I’m in full stride like trip crown winner ‘American Pharoah’. My tendency is to continue to work and most times I do. This is bad because I don’t want to burnout. So I’ve developed healthy habits to help combat this, namely, timeboxing work, frequent breaks and hard stops no matter what. After all I’m running a Sprint and with any good workout you need time to cool down.