Multiple Profile: LinkedIn for what…

Over the coarse of identifying and only applying to job post that align with my professional experience, it’s alarming how often a recruiter calls me and says.

“We have multiple position that are a good fit for you…”
“We have multiple profiles for you in our system database…”

I did not forget that I applied to an active job post less than a couple weeks old or at least less than 30 days. Yet, these same recruiters never want to discuss the “share plan”.

A share plan is the publicly available job post and my submission of an electronic résumé. I stopped using LinkedIn cause they ask for a non LinkedIn consent use of a résumé.

Note if you look at my profile December 14, 2019, you will not view the details. I simply removed the descriptions because recruiters don’t understand that LinkedIn is an extension of their company’s applicant database system, and centralized location for a single source of reliable content.

You know, single sign ons, SSO, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, AWS or other security integration access APIs.

There is a lot that isn’t said here for a reason. Frankly, its simply a waste of my calm to post on all the recruiters who lack the professionalism, hide behind system for job security and abuse the same system when you use that is their preferred or rac-ist hiring system process.

Git. Not. Karega Khinua Scott. Blame. Social Security Card.

Git. Not. Karega Scott. Blame. Recruiter Application System.

Git. Not. Scott, Karega. Blame. Company Politics Culture.