

I cleverly creative a new industry services name that’s been here for years. So I guess I only created the name but brought the services to light.

Any person who has every worked in any industry or field for an extended period of time could and should be able to relate to Brain as a Service or BaaS. In fact, its more simple than I first thought. We all have experience or knowledge that we store in memory for later use. For instance, proper hygiene. We observe, practice and store in memory how and when to bath or brush.


Brain as a Service

The point I’m trying to make is that whenever you have participated in any active long enough, you realize never tend to forget. So as a Software Developer with 15 years of experience do you every forget the work complete during the full product development lifecylce? NO! Do you every forget sound object oriented development principals? NO! At the heart of developing software there are fundamental concepts that serve as a base for all types of development from desktop, web or mobile. The only thing that changes is the tools and technologies, and I can argue that I, like most, individuals on the planet have the capacity to learn baked into our DNA. So if I decide to take family leave of abuse or a sabbatical for any extended period of time. I wont forget out to work. Point in case, look at a woman who takes time off. Why should it be any different for a man?

I’ve been in the BaaS for a long long time…

Last note as published by WebMD – Is Your Memory Normal?

Memory is the ability to normally recall the facts and events of our lives, and this takes place in three stages:

  • Stage 1: Encoding. This is when a person takes information in.
  • Stage 2: Consolidation. This is when the brain takes the information it encodes and processes it so that it gets stored in certain areas of the brain.
  • Stage 3: Retrieval. When a person recalls stored information in the brain.

So, yes it perfectly fine to forget things that HAVE NOT BEEN COMMIT TO LONG TERM MEMORY.

Recruiter’s you need to come up with a new line other than there’s a gap in your CV, cause I’ve done mostly everything that you all have asked from acquiring new or updating certifications, blogging, formal education, to developing on a range of current software and project processes.